Synthesis of polyoxyethylene and polyethyleneimine graft copolymers and derivatives (RH)
Group of Prof. Dr. D. Oelkrug (Institute of Physical Chemistry,Tuebingen)
Group of P.D. Schrenk (Tuebingen): Antisense mdr with primer hepatocytes
Group of Prof. H. Kalthoff (Kiel): gene transfer using plasmid-nanospheres-conjugates p53
Fa. Coulter Electronics:
E. Bayer, X. N. Liu, U. Tallarek, A. Ellwanger, K. Albert, M. Kutubuddin: "Polystyrene-Immobilized Poly(ethyleneimine) Chains. A New Class of Graft Copolymers",
Polymer Bulletin
X. N. Liu, E. Bayer, G. Xue: "Infrared Quantitative Study of Acetylation of Microspheres of Polystyrene",
Spectroscopy Letters
W. Rapp, H. Fritz, E. Bayer: "Monosized Grafted Microspheres for Ultra High Speed Peptide Synthesis (HSPS)"
Peptides: Chemistry and Biology, Proceedings of the American Peptide
Symposium, 12th, Ed. by John A. Smith and Jean E. Rivier, ESCOM Science Publishers, Leiden 1992, S. 529.
M. Eggenweiler, N. Clausen, L. Zhang, H. Fritz, E. Bayer: "Comparative Studiese of Mono- and Polydisperse Polystyrene and Polystyrene-Polyethyleneglycol Graft Copolymer Beads"
Peptides 1994 (Proceedings of the 23nd European Peptide Symposium, Braga, Portugal 1994),
Ed. by H. Maia, ESCOM Science Publishers, Leiden 1995
B. Lehr, H-J. Egelhaaf, H. Fritz, W. Rapp, E. Bayer, D. Oelkrug: "Molecular Solvation and Mobility in Polymer/Liquid Interphases. A Fluorescence Study on Polystyrene-Poly(ethylene glycol)",
H. Fritz, M. Maier, E. Bayer: "Cationic Polystyrene Nanoparticles: Preparation and Characterization of a Model Drug Carrier System for Antisense Oligonucleotides",
J. Colloid Interface Sci.
E. Bayer, H. Fritz, M. Maier:
"Herstellung von biologisch aktiven Nanopartikel-Nucleinsäure-Konjugaten zur Anwendung in der Antisense-Strategie und zum Gen-Transfer"
, Deutsches
Bundespatent, angemeldet am 23.10.1996.